2nd UNICEF Innovation Challenge

2nd UNICEF Innovation Challenge

Empowering Innovation: 2nd UNICEF Innovation Challenge for Children and Adolescents in Iran

UNICEF and Pardis Technology Park have joined hands to launch the 2nd UNICEF Innovation Challenge for Children and Adolescents in Iran. In this Challenge, the most innovative solutions that address issues faced by Children and Adolescents will be identified, recognized and supported.

This 2nd UNICEF Innovation Challenge is organised in three categories, namely 1) Learning and Play, 2) Health and Protection, and 3) Equity and Social Support Services.

We invite all companies, organizations, and institutions that meet the basic requirements (as described in the Call for Submissions) especially those players in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Iran including startups, creative, and knowledge-based companies, among others, to submit their solutions to this challenge.

Visit the challenge website here. Deadline: October 10 2022

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