GIX Innovation Competition

GIX Innovation Competition

Innovate for a Better Future: Health, Wellness & Environment Challenge

Advancing technology to improve health, wellness, and the environment while competing for over $20,000 USD in cash and prizes! Visit the challenge website here.

The Challenge

You’re invited to create an innovative technological or robotic solution that helps address a problem related to health and wellness or the environment. Your solution can leverage a broad range of technologies including the internet of things, intelligent hardware, low-cost sensors, drones, robotics, computer vision and machine learning algorithms, and cloud computing. For example:

  • Health and wellness solutions might improve people’s ability to make informed healthcare decisions or quality of life

  • Environmental monitoring solutions might provide actionable insight into energy or consumable usage

Judges will select teams to progress to the finals. Each team of finalists will be paired with an academic or industry mentor who will meet weekly with the team to provide feedback and advice in preparation for the final presentation before judges.

Interested in participating in the 2023 Innovation Competition?

Register to attend one of three virtual Webinars on September 13, October 11, or November 15.

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